How to get rid of the smell of new furniture: the best available products and special chemicals

A new interior attribute can cause an unpleasant odor in the room, which is not only annoying, but also causes a deterioration in overall well-being.

Even the most expensive pieces of furniture do not guarantee the absence of stench, which completely blocks the joy of a new acquisition. There are several simple recipes that will help quickly eliminate the smell of new furniture and speed up the commissioning process.

Where does the smell come from?

The desired set or designer bed has finally arrived at its permanent location, but after assembly, something is wrong. And instead of joy, the happy owners begin a collective search for the place where the unpleasant aroma comes from.

The reason for the appearance of such a stable train is the peculiarity of the material from which the furniture is made:

  1. Chipboard is a mixture of sawdust and formaldehyde-based adhesive solutions. The latter not only ensures the integrity of the canvas, but is capable of releasing vapors with a characteristic odor.
  2. Varnishes and paints have multi-component compositions that weather for quite a long time.
  3. Leather elements emit the smell of paint that was used during the furniture making period.

Naturally, the cheaper the furniture, the brighter and more unpleasant the smell emanates from it and the longer the weathering process will be. And, if at first this causes irritation, headaches, loss of strength and problems with the respiratory system will appear in the future.

What to do first

It is best to assemble furniture with the windows open.

When a piece of furniture has arrived in a living space, experts recommend assembling it with the window open. This will help to quickly remove the initial smell that the furniture absorbed during the manufacturing process and storage in the warehouse.

After assembly, be sure to go over with a damp cloth to remove dust and debris. It’s good to add a little sea salt, which not only has a disinfecting effect, but also absorbs odors.

It is not recommended to use furniture intended for a living area immediately after its installation. You need to give it a few days to air out well, after which you can start using it.

If we are talking about soft sofas, armchairs, and beds that have rag upholstery, it would be good to go over it with a vacuum cleaner. Mini vacuum cleaners designed for cleaning car interiors are ideal for these purposes.

If the smell is very strong

Some furniture that I really liked in the store emits a simply impossible aroma in an apartment. This is all due to low-quality materials, which emit a catastrophically unacceptable aroma in a confined space.

Think about it:

  1. Is it worth buying cheap furniture, knowingly putting the lives of family members at risk? No! It’s better to save up the required amount and sleep, as they say, peacefully, in every sense of the word.
  2. Should I return the headset if it stinks unbearably? Costs! Because at first the smell will not seem so disgusting, but then addiction occurs, which can cause the development of asthma and allergic reactions.
  3. Is it possible to get rid of the smell of new furniture without harming it? Can! But for this it is important to take into account the characteristics of the material from which it is made.

Expert opinion

Krasnova Ulyana Vasilievna

Cleaning company manager

If no methods of eliminating the smell help to improve the situation, then it will be cheaper to refuse such furniture than to fight for your own life and health in the future.

Are there any standards for smell? How can the client be sure that the smell is normal?

— The Technical Regulations of the Customs Union 025/2012 contain criteria for the smell of furniture products.

“Furniture products should not create a specific odor in the room - no more than 2 points.”

The “intensity” of the odor is measured by a specially developed technique. There are organizations that take samples for testing and issue appropriate conclusions. Smells are given points by real people. Conventionally, it happens like this: a person inhales air from two climatic chambers, in one chamber there is a test sample, in the other chamber there is no sample, if a person “faints” from the aroma - that means 5 points, if the smell is weak and does not attract attention - 2 points , if absent – ​​0 points. There must be at least 7 testers, they must be healthy and have no changes in the condition of the olfactory organs.

Simple ways to get rid of unpleasant “furniture” smell

When the furniture is assembled, you can use the following recipes, which will help quickly dissipate unpleasant odors.


For 1 liter of warm boiled water, take 1 tablespoon of vinegar (not essence). The resulting mixture is poured into a spray bottle and sprayed onto the furniture at a distance of 1 m. Cabinet furniture can be wiped with a soft rag soaked in this vinegar solution, and then allowed to dry completely.

The nuances of using vinegar are as follows:

  1. You should not wet upholstered furniture abundantly, as it will absorb excess moisture, which can cause the formation of dampness.
  2. Treatment is carried out daily for 5-7 days.
  3. The room in which work is carried out must be well ventilated.
  4. The acid concentration should not be exceeded, as this may have a negative effect on decorative elements.

Vinegar not only quickly removes any odors, but also suddenly disappears. With good ventilation, even the most persistent odors will disappear after several treatments.

Fabric bags


Small bags are made from thin fabric into which baking soda is poured. They are laid out in cabinet furniture drawers and in the middle of a soft set. Baking soda perfectly absorbs not only odor, but also moisture. The product will help get rid of high humidity after treatment with vinegar.

The nuances of using soda to eliminate unpleasant furniture odors are as follows:

  1. The bulk mixture should be placed only in cotton bags. If you don’t have time to make them, then socks are ideal.
  2. The soda needs to be changed daily, which will significantly speed up the process of absorbing odor and moisture.
  3. You can add coarse table salt, which will also remove unpleasant odor and dampness.

To enhance the effect, add a few drops of essential oil to the baking soda. The following work well to neutralize odors:

  • rosemary;
  • lemon;
  • eucalyptus;
  • tea tree;
  • pine.

In addition to a pleasant smell, essential oils have a bactericidal effect and will help suppress pathogenic flora located on furniture, no worse than chemical disinfectant properties.

Lemon peels

Orange peels

Citrus fruits are peeled, cut into small strips and placed on furniture, after laying down a newspaper or bag. This product has proven itself in getting rid of unpleasant odors in upholstered furniture. Many housewives leave the crusts until completely dry, which prevents the appearance of moths and other parasites.

As citrus fruits dry, they can release oils, which in turn can leave stains. A paper or polyethylene backing must be placed under them.

Coffee beans

Fragrant Arabica quickly absorbs unpleasant odors and creates a unique atmosphere in the living room. Coffee beans are laid out in all areas of the furniture, having previously laid some kind of substrate. Change this product once every few days. To enhance the aroma of the grains, you can fry them in a dry, well-heated frying pan.


For 1 liter of cold water, take 1 teaspoon of ammonia, mix well, moisten and squeeze out the rag as much as possible. They pass it over the surface of the furniture. The pungent smell of ammonia quickly removes unpleasant furniture odors. After several procedures, the result will be noticeable.

Fuel pellets

Wood granular filler

The product consists of large granules consisting of pressed sawdust. They perfectly absorb moisture and unpleasant odors. The granules can be additionally irrigated with drops of your favorite perfume or essential oils. They are convenient to lay out on the surface of furniture and also to remove.

As an alternative, wood granular cat litter may be suitable. Some specimens come already flavored, so you just need to spread them out and wait for the result.


You need to take several packages of any fragrant bar soap and place them in furniture drawers, and also leave them on the surface. A simple product quickly eliminates unpleasant odor without any hassle. When it comes to upholstered furniture, a few bars of soap can be left in pockets or the bottom, which will ensure a pleasant smell in the room without the use of air fresheners.

Activated carbon

The tablets are opened from the protective packaging and placed on a paper backing in all possible areas of the furniture. Every other day the tablets are changed. Because charcoal can stain, it should be handled with care. The product works well to get rid of excess dampness in fabric coverings.

Traditional methods

Folk recipes for removing odors from new furniture are budget-friendly alternatives to solving the problem. They are based on affordable means that can be found in the household.

Linen bags with salt can not only eliminate odors, but also absorb excess moisture. For these purposes, it is recommended to place them inside cabinet furniture . If the problem does not go away within a day, the room needs to be ventilated, and the bags need to be replaced with new ones.

Orange zest

The zest of citrus fruits, and especially oranges, has the ability to remove unpleasant odors, including from furniture.
The crusts are laid out inside and on top of furniture , as well as around. After a few hours, the room can be ventilated and the zest can be removed.

Natural flavoring should not be used if family members are allergic to citrus fruits.

Salt and tea

Both salt and tea have the ability to remove odors. For a more effective effect, both of these components must be mixed in equal proportions and placed in small containers around the room. The best effect is obtained by using loose leaf tea.

How to remove the smell of new furniture using tea and salt, video recipe:


Table vinegar contains acetic acid , a substance that is effective in eliminating various odors. To get the result, just place a bowl of undiluted table vinegar in the room and leave it for several hours.

It is also necessary to ensure that there are no people or pets in the room during treatment.

Aroma oils

Essential oils can be used to eliminate odors. The application can be different:
An alternative option is the use of incense sticks.

Natural coffee (ground or beans) can serve as a reliable natural flavoring agent. This option is suitable for coffee drink lovers.

Coffee is poured into several containers and placed around the room . As necessary, the grains are replaced with fresh ones.

Instant coffee is not used to aromatize a room, as it contains an insufficient amount of aromatic substances.

Products for leather furniture

Black loose leaf tea

Sea salt

If the unpleasant smell comes specifically from furniture with leather upholstery, then black loose leaf tea and sea salt will come to the rescue. Furniture should be disassembled, drawers and removable parts removed. Lay a cotton cloth on a horizontal surface and spread a thin layer of salt on top. Tea leaves are placed on top of the salt. Allow to stand for 12-15 hours, after which the fabric is carefully removed. If necessary, repeat the procedure with the window open.

Caring for leather furniture involves using special oil-based products, to which you can add a few drops of essential oils of lavender, patchouli or rosemary. This way the skin will absorb a pleasant smell, and the aroma of freshness will remain in the room for a long time.

Expert opinion

Krasnova Ulyana Vasilievna

Cleaning company manager

It is not recommended to use chemicals with aggressive components that can harm the skin and lead to the formation of microcracks. Sooner or later, the unpleasant odor will disappear, and excessive use of such products will shorten the life of the furniture.

Why can furniture smell for a long time?

— The smell of furniture depends on the volume of the room in which it is located. It is very important! We contacted the Center for Hygiene and Epidemiology on this issue, and experts reported that the volume factor of the room must be taken into account. When measuring odor using the scoring method MU, this factor is also taken into account. In a room with a volume of 1 m3, the sample should be 70x70 cm. If there is a sample of 150x150 cm, then in this room it will already create a greater saturation of aroma. In our practice, there have been cases when a client completely filled a small room with our furniture, leaving 1 square meter free. meter in front of the window. In this case, of course, the intensity of the smell will be much greater and it will take much longer to dissipate.


An ozonizer joins the fight for cleanliness and freshness of air in a room with new furniture. This device passes air through itself, removing harmful particles. With its help, you can not only eliminate unpleasant odors from furniture, but also destroy pathogens contained in dust.

If this device is available, you cannot do without it when installing new furniture. If not, then you should not buy specifically for these purposes. An ozonizer is quite expensive, and with frequent use it quickly breaks down and in most cases cannot be repaired.

Effective and inexpensive ways to remove the smell of new furniture in a room

Buying new furniture allows you to update your interior and brings about a lot of positive emotions.
Replacing the furnishings is a pleasant event, which often leads to the need to solve a problem - to eliminate the specific smell from the new headset.

Special tools, folk recipes and household appliances will help you cope with the task. We’ll tell you more about how to wipe new furniture and remove the smell from your apartment in this article.

Special products for removing odors from furniture

If you don’t have time to bother with unfolding aromatic bags and drying citrus peels, you can always turn to household chemicals, which offer a number of special products that quickly kill unpleasant odors from any type of furniture.

The most effective of them are:


An aerosol product that is sprayed over the surface of furniture. After complete drying, you need to walk with a soft cloth to remove any possible stains. The line includes cleaning products for products made of natural and artificial leather.

OdorGone Professional for Home

The drug has a natural base and copes well with damp odors. Suitable for cleaning furniture made of various materials, including combined ones.

Natures Miracle

The composition contains components that can oxidize strong odors and completely neutralize them. Well suited for furniture that was bought secondhand.

Any product has instructions that must be followed. This will allow you to get the desired result without harm to health and furniture.

Features of getting rid of amber, taking into account the material of manufacture

Depending on the material used to make the furniture set, the surface treatment differs. Adsorbents are universal in this regard; they can be used without restrictions.

Chipboard is an inexpensive material often used to create furniture . It contains wood shavings, as well as phenol and formaldehyde.

When these volatile toxic substances evaporate, they become airborne. In high concentrations, they can cause an attack of bronchial asthma and cause deterioration in health.

In order for the specific smell to go away, you can organize ventilation, use aroma neutralizers and technical devices. In this case, the furniture should already be without packaging.

Varnish, paint

The varnish that is used to coat furniture can also emit an unpleasant odor .
In order not to increase the release of toxic substances, such furniture should not be placed near heating devices immediately after purchase. In some cases, furniture is coated with paint, stain or other compounds. While they are fresh, just applied, the smell can be quite strong.

The easiest way to cope with the problem is to organize ventilation of the room. Adsorbents and odor neutralizers are also suitable.

The MDF profile is practically odorless and does not pose a threat to the health of family members. It will be much easier to remove a light aroma from such a surface than from chipboard.

The MDF profile is non-toxic; natural substances are used in its processing. You can use almost any method to eliminate odors.

Cushioned furniture

The stuffing of armchairs, sofas and other upholstered furniture goes a long way to the consumer. During storage, the filler may absorb foreign odors. If there was high humidity in the storage area, the furniture may smell musty.

Household chemicals can only be used that are designed for processing upholstered furniture.

Genuine leather, which is used to create furniture, undergoes pre-treatment .
After purchase, such a sofa or chair may emit a specific aroma of the chemicals with which the upholstery was treated. Regular baking soda or flavored sea salt can help with the issue. You can sprinkle it on the upholstery for a while, and after a few hours you can vacuum it up.

You can also contact cleaning specialists who will help you process your expensive item. New leather cannot be washed .

General tips and tricks

To avoid becoming a hostage to the unpleasant and toxic smell of furniture, you need to:

  • Always pay attention to the condition of the seams of interior items. If there are chips and damage, then the risk of a foul odor increases significantly. This is especially true for PVC furniture.
  • Don’t be shy about smelling furniture, especially upholstered furniture with fabric upholstery. If you spend a long time in a trade exhibition pavilion, there is a risk of bringing home an unpleasant addition along with your comfort.
  • Do not buy furniture at sales, and especially in warehouses where all manufacturing and storage conditions are violated. Wood and fabric perfectly absorb dampness, which in most cases is difficult to remove without special means.

What products do you use to combat furniture odors?


  • Do not be afraid to return the furniture to the seller if its unpleasant odor cannot be removed by anything, and if the ventilation is closed, it constantly intensifies.
  • Buy furniture from trusted sellers who have quality certificates and are responsible for the interior item.

To summarize, it is important to note that an unpleasant odor can accompany both expensive leather pieces and cheaper fabric analogues of upholstered furniture. If conventional treatments do not give the desired result, you can try special products.

Within 3-5 days, the furniture should adapt to the new conditions, and any “furniture” smell should go away. If this does not happen, it is cheaper to return such a piece of furniture than to fight every day.

Rules of care

To prevent the sofa from becoming a source of unpleasant odors, it is necessary to maintain hygiene:

  • Treat upholstery for stains immediately as soon as they are discovered.
  • Constantly ventilate the room and monitor the humidity level.
  • Remove sources of mold on the walls if they suddenly appear.
  • Protect the sofa with covers if there are pets in the room.

If the sofa is in the living room combined with the kitchen, it is necessary to install a good hood in the kitchen, because otherwise the smell of cooked dishes will be perfectly absorbed into all textiles and upholstered furniture.

Advice! Sometimes it is necessary to ozonate furniture. After this procedure, the air in the room becomes fresh, as does the upholstery.

The sofa requires constant and careful care. Every month you need to knock out dust from it and clean it with a soapy mixture. If the sofa gets dirty, you need to immediately clean the area using available means.

It is advisable to keep pets away from the sofa. Animals must be aware that this is an unauthorized place for them.

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