How to preserve chrysanthemums in a vase for the longest time, what are the best means?

In autumn, when all the plants are preparing for sleep, chrysanthemums bloom, delighting with their bright colors. Fluffy beauties with a delicate aroma are able to maintain freshness without additional tricks. The magic can be extended if you know some tricks.

In the article we will tell you how long cut chrysanthemums remain fresh, how to care for flowers in a vase so that they last longer, what the water and vase should be like, where to put the bouquet, useful additives in the water, how to revive fading chrysanthemums.

How to keep chrysanthemums fresh longer: general rules

A gifted bouquet of chrysanthemums can delight the recipient for a long time and give a good mood. But I really want to extend the life of the composition and enjoy the magnificent flowers for as long as possible. With proper care, you can keep peonies fresh in a vase for up to a month.

General rules for caring for chrysanthemums:

  1. A bouquet of flowers must be adapted to room temperature. You should not immediately put chrysanthemums in a vase.
  2. It is important to properly prepare the plants before placing them in a vase. Trim the stems and then immediately place them in a container of water.
  3. It is necessary to observe the temperature regime. Flowers should not be stored at high temperatures or in drafts.

Why do chrysanthemum leaves wither?

Like other plants, chrysanthemums wither due to improper care or disease. Perhaps it was not moistened enough, or, on the contrary, it became damp and began to rot. It is necessary to change the conditions of keeping the chrysanthemum.

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How to care for a bouquet of chrysanthemums

Keeping your bouquet fresh is easy if you provide the flowers with proper and regular care. It is important to choose a suitable vase and determine a good place for its location in the room. In addition, you need to change the liquid in the vessel daily and cut the stems by 1-2 cm at an angle of 45 degrees so that the flowers are saturated with moisture.

Preparing water and flower vases

A bouquet of chrysanthemums is placed in a clean container. The vase must be washed with a disinfectant and rinsed well. It is important that there are no remnants of the previous bouquet inside.

Water for chrysanthemums should be at room temperature. Purified or settled water supply, without sediment, is suitable. To maintain the freshness of the composition for a long time, you can use fertilizers that are added to the vase.

Where to put a vase with a bouquet

It is important to choose a suitable vase so that the chrysanthemums have enough space. A spherical or square container is suitable; the neck should be free so that the flowers have room. The stems need to be immersed in water until the leaves remain on the stem.

Attention! Florists recommend choosing a vase with a neck that is twice the diameter of the bouquet.

It is also important to choose a suitable place for the bouquet indoors. Comfortable conditions will help keep cut chrysanthemums alive longer.

Things to consider when choosing a vase location:

  1. Chrysanthemums do not like high temperatures. The bouquet should not be placed in direct sunlight or near heating devices.
  2. Plants should not be placed in a draft; it is better to place a vessel with water away from open windows, doors and air conditioning.
  3. Ethylene causes flowers to wilt. You should not place chrysanthemums next to fruits and vegetables.

It is best to place the composition in a cool room with diffused light. It is advisable that the flowers do not touch foreign objects. Any damage to the petals or stem will contribute to rapid wilting. It is recommended to irrigate the bouquet every other day with a spray bottle.

What can you add to water?

You can buy special mineral fertilizers in flower shops. Before adding, the drug must be dissolved in water according to the instructions and only then added to the vase so as not to damage the plants.

You can also use natural supplements.

Home analogues:

  • 2 tbsp. l. sugar per 2 liters of water;
  • 2 tsp. salt per 2 liters of water;
  • 1 aspirin tablet per 2 liters of water.

Chrysanthemum varieties for cutting

The varieties of spray chrysanthemum listed below are often used for making bouquets. They are mainly imported into stores from European countries with milder climates. In the middle zone, bouquet chrysanthemums can only grow in greenhouses. Only a few varieties take root in open ground.

All articles about chrysanthemums on the site can be read by following this link...

Caring for cut chrysanthemums is not difficult, and given all their diversity, we can say with confidence that every gardener can easily find a variety to their liking. If the necessary planting material cannot be purchased in the store, a viable cutting can always be obtained from a bouquet.

How to extend the life of chrysanthemums in a vase: useful tips

Chrysanthemums give a good mood and a lot of positive emotions. I would like to preserve the freshness of these beautiful plants longer. Regular care and simple manipulations will help extend the life of the bouquet up to a month.

Helpful Tips:

  1. When purchasing, you need to choose fresh plants without external damage or signs of wilting.
  2. Before placing flowers in a vase, it is important to prepare them correctly.
  3. It is necessary to change the water daily and use additional nutrients and disinfectants.
  4. Emergency measures will help restore freshness to a fading bouquet.

Important! Chrysanthemum buds do not bloom in water like peonies or roses. Choose a bouquet with fully opened flowers.

Where to put flowers

In order for chrysanthemums to stand in water longer, the vase must be placed in a bright place, however, away from direct sunlight. It is also recommended to keep flowers as far as possible from heating radiators.

If we talk about room temperature, flowers retain their freshness longest at 19-20°C. In a hotter room, the bouquet will wilt much faster.

It is recommended to change the water in the vase every few days. In this case, it is not enough to simply pour out the old liquid and fill the container with new one. It is also necessary to clean glass or other material from any mucus that has formed. It appears during the process of storing flowers. If you leave this substance, the flowers will deteriorate faster, and a very unpleasant odor will begin to emanate from the water itself. Like a fish aquarium that hasn’t been cleaned for a long time.

How to revive cut chrysanthemums

The tips listed above will help to significantly increase the freshness of chrysanthemums. However, the bouquet will still begin to fade. And even in this case, you can extend the life of the flowers for a few more days.

Emergency actions:

  • lower the bouquet into a container with ice water for 2-3 minutes;
  • place the stems in hot water;
  • cut off the blackened part of the stem;
  • lower the stem 2-3 cm into cold water;
  • place the bouquet in a vase with water at room temperature.

With proper care, a bouquet of chrysanthemums will last a long time in a vase, delighting with its beauty and fragrance, and filling the house with an atmosphere of celebration and comfort.

What to add to water to extend the life of a bouquet?

It is known that nutrient solutions prepared using special mixtures such as Bud, Fairy are suitable for cut chrysanthemums. Use them according to the instructions.

For better nutrition for chrysanthemums, you can add sugar to the vase, taking one teaspoon per liter of water. Dissolve aspirin in liquid, one tablet per 2 liters of water. A solution of sea salt is also suitable as an invigorating agent. It is enough to add it in the same proportion as sugar. For chrysanthemums, the best food is aspirin.

Flowers will last longer in a bouquet if you throw a piece of charcoal into a container.

Another additive will help stop the composition from fading and keep it fresh longer. This is a 0.003 percent lapis solution. Even a drop of detergent can do wonders and help your bouquet last for a month. When the room is cool and cut flowers are cared for correctly, the life of the bouquet is extended for a long time.

Water disinfection

Flowers need soft and clean water, such as spring or rain. In urban conditions, melted, filtered, distilled and settled water is used. By the way, flowers can also be placed in sparkling water.

To keep flowers in a vase longer, disinfection is needed: bacteria are the reason bouquets wither. The table shows several methods.

A product that can be added to a vase with a fresh bouquetDescription
Silver and copperIt could be a coin, a spoon or jewelry. Silver and copper neutralize bacteria
Wood and activated carbonA block of charcoal or 1-2 tablets of activated carbon will stop the growth of bacteria. Recommended for flowers with soft stems: tulips, daffodils, gerberas
Acetylsalicylic acid and streptocideThe tablet is crushed and stirred until completely dissolved. Proportions: 1 pc. for 6 liters of water. The solution suits almost all colors
SodaSoda slaked with vinegar or lemon juice works well. Proportions: 1 tbsp. l. for 1 liter of water
VinegarApple or regular 9%. Proportions: 1 tbsp. l. for 1 liter of water. Asters, dahlias, carnations, daffodils and tulips love vinegar solution.
AlcoholTo keep flowers in a vase longer, chrysanthemums, asters, daisies, orchids, carnations, poppies and crocuses are placed in water with alcohol. You can use vodka. Proportions: 1 tsp. for 1 liter of water
SaltTo preserve flowers longer, roses, callas, dahlias, camellias, hydrangeas and gladioli are placed in salted water. Proportions: 1 tsp. for 1 liter of water
Boric acidProportions: 100 g per 1 liter of water. This solution is suitable for carnations
Potassium permangantsovkaA pinch of potassium permanganate is good for daffodils and tulips. Proportions: 0.003 g or several crystals per 1 liter of water
Lemon acidProportions: 2-3 g or several crystals per 1 liter of water. The solution has a beneficial effect on roses and lilacs
Household chemicalsYou can use 2-3 drops of bleach or washing powder on the tip of a knife to disinfect. For a bouquet with roses, use 2-3 drops of bleach or dishwashing detergent.

Most flowers need daily water changes. When using solutions, change the water once every 2 days (less often for carnations). At each change, you need to thoroughly wash the vase, prepare a new solution, wash the stems, renew the cuts and remove dried flowers.

Many flowers need regular spraying

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