How to clean a pomegranate quickly and without splashing - 7 proven methods

First, let's take a closer look at this fruit. Pomegranate is a small tree or shrub whose height reaches 6 meters. It grows in Turkey, Abkhazia, Iran, the Caucasus and Afghanistan. It is on the list of the most useful fruits. It includes the following elements:

  • cellulose;
  • proteins and carbohydrates;
  • vitamins C, E, A, D, group B;
  • sodium;
  • calcium.

Pomegranate brings great benefits to the cardiovascular and digestive systems. Suitable for the treatment of sore throat and prevention of type II diabetes. Also, pomegranate juice and grains help increase hemoglobin in the blood. Doctors often prescribe it to patients suffering from anemia. Plus, pomegranate juice does an excellent job of lowering blood pressure. 100-150 ml of juice is enough to get this effect. In addition, pomegranate is dietary - only 83 kcal per 100 g of product.

Despite the fact that pomegranate has a huge number of beneficial properties, it can be harmful to health. The first thing you need to know: it should not be used by people with certain diseases of the digestive tract (gastritis, ulcers), or with individual intolerance.

After each intake of the fruit, doctors advise rinsing your mouth; due to its effect on the oral cavity, dental problems may begin.

How to open pomegranate fruit easily

Peeling this fruit initially seems like an incredibly difficult task. Most often, people encounter juice flying in all directions, staining their hands and clothes. However, there are several simple rules to properly clean a pomegranate:

  1. Selecting suitable fruits. With the same dimensions, a ripe pomegranate will be significantly heavier. The peel must be dry and free from damage and mold.
  2. Before cutting, it is important to check the sharpness of the knife. An insufficiently sharpened blade will have difficulty cutting through dense skins and may damage the grains due to increased pressure when pressing.
  3. To separate the grains more easily, you can lightly roll or beat the fruit with a wooden spoon. However, you should not overdo it so as not to damage it too much from the inside.

When making cuts, it is very important not to dig the knife too deep so as not to damage the grains. The ideal blade depth is 2-3 mm. This depth of the slots will be enough to properly open the pomegranate.

How to quickly peel a pomegranate

To easily peel a pomegranate by completely removing the peel and leaving only the juicy pulp, you need to be patient and skillful. To get a peeled ball, you will need a sharp blade and a bowl of water. From the side of the inflorescence, cut off the top, trying not to damage the insides. After this, the fruit is transferred to a container with water and left for about an hour.

Water-swollen skins are easier to peel. Shallow cuts are made across its entire surface so that it is covered with a mesh. Then, using a sharp blade, carefully pry up the edge of each fragment of the mesh and, holding it with your hand, remove it from the fruit. You won’t be able to quickly peel the fruit this way, but its appearance can amaze any esthete.

Let's sum it up

Now you have learned how to properly cut this very juicy fruit. We hope that these lessons will be useful to you in life. Guests will be pleasantly surprised to see cut fruit with grains preserved in it. After all, not everyone manages to correctly remove the peel from the fruit without reading these life hacks. And you and your children will be happy to enjoy delicious grains of the correct shape, which will now never be damaged.

Pomegranate is a fruit that has a sweet and sour taste. The berry is dark red or burgundy in color with a hard skin. Inside it are seeds that are separated from each other by translucent membranes. The seeds are edible and teardrop-shaped, dark red and transparent.

Before learning how to peel a pomegranate, it is important to carry out the processing procedure. It includes washing with warm water and drying.

The grains of the fruit are eaten. Depending on the size, the number of grains changes. In a small fruit there are about 700 of them, in a large one - from 1000 or even more. Botanical studies of this fruit, which is actually a berry, helped us find out how many grains pomegranates have. In botany it has the name “pomegranate”. But in everyday life they are mistaken for ripe fruits.

Pomegranate trees grow in tropical and subtropical climates. It is grown in Western Asia and Southern Europe. In Russia, the habitat of this tree fell on the Black Sea coast in the Krasnodar Territory.

The fruits of the tree contain useful minerals. Therefore, they are eaten in cases of low blood pressure and anemia. Pomegranate juice also has medicinal properties.

How to peel a pomegranate quickly and without splashing

When cleaning, a nuisance often occurs - all hands, clothes and even walls end up covered in pomegranate juice. To avoid splashes when cutting fruit, it is worth performing almost all manipulations with it in water. Cleaning a pomegranate properly is easy if you follow the following step-by-step instructions:

  1. The fruits are washed under running water and wiped with a paper towel.
  2. Using a sharp knife, cut the skin shallowly to create several slices.
  3. Place the pomegranate in a small saucepan or deep bowl and leave it in it for 10-15 minutes - this will make it easier to handle the necessary manipulations. The water should completely cover the fruit.
  4. Place your hands in the water and break the fruit into slices. It is important not to take your hands out of the water and do everything as carefully as possible. There should be several individual slices in the bowl.
  5. The peel and white films are removed from each part.

You should not take out the grains immediately after cleaning. It is best to wait a couple of minutes while stirring the entire contents of the bowl of water. The films and peels will float to the top, and the cleaned grains will remain at the bottom. The garbage is removed by hand, after which the water is drained using a colander.

How to peel a pomegranate without a knife

The knife is used in almost all types of pomegranate peeling. A sharp blade helps you easily make a cut in the tough peel, which later makes it easier to separate the fruit into slices. If for some reason there is nothing sharp at hand, do not despair - you can always find a way out of such a situation.

Important! To peel a pomegranate without a knife, you need to choose a fruit whose skin is not too rough. Medium ripe fruits are ideal.

The fruits are placed in a container of water for about an hour. During this time, the peel will absorb the liquid and become softer and more pliable. Use your thumb to press down on the inflorescence and make a small hole. Then both thumbs are inserted, breaking the fruit in half with force.

What happens if you eat pomegranate with seeds?

Many people are concerned about the question of whether it is possible to eat pomegranate seeds along with seeds. After all, it is in this form that they end up in salads and other dishes. The answer to this question is ambiguous.

On the one hand, pomegranate seeds are useful and cannot harm a person whose intestines work like clockwork. Even if he eats the whole fruit along with the seeds, nothing unusual will happen to him.

On the other hand, grains are not digested too easily, and with a number of digestive system disorders, their use can result in a serious problem: pain, heaviness in the abdomen, inflammation, constipation.

The conclusion is obvious: you can eat pomegranate seeds along with them, but in moderation, especially if there are disturbances in the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. A small amount of pomegranate in a salad will not harm anyone, even if you eat the whole grain.

How to peel a pomegranate in just 6 movements

This life hack allows you to quickly and easily peel a pomegranate, so it is rightfully recognized as one of the fastest. It allows you to enjoy your favorite fruit as quickly as possible with simple movements. An important condition for this method is the presence of a sharp knife with the thinnest possible blade.

Important! To quickly and correctly peel a pomegranate, it must be as ripe as possible. You can identify a suitable fruit by its thin and dry skin.

Using a knife, cut out the top in a circle, plunging it into the pulp at an angle of 45 degrees, thus creating a small depression. Then make 4 quick cuts along the skin of the fruit from the place where the top is cut out. After this, the pomegranate is broken with both hands.

How to properly cut a pomegranate and remove the grains

In the case when it is grains that are needed, a slightly different approach to cleaning is used. Most often it is used for their further processing into juice or jam. For this method you will need a well-sharpened knife, a cutting board and a deep bowl.

The fruits should be rinsed well under running water and wiped dry with a towel. The pomegranate is placed sideways on a cutting board, after which the top is cut off with a knife. To avoid damaging a large number of grains, do not move too far from the tip.

To cut a pomegranate correctly, place it on a board and cut its peel along the cut edge in four places to visually create identical slices. Next, use your thumbs to press into the middle of the fruit, dividing the fruit into four parts. Each of the slices is turned out over the bowl, at which point the grains are easily separated from the peel.


5 ways to peel pomegranate easily and quickly

To understand how to cut a pomegranate correctly and quickly, it is worth understanding its unusual structure. The fruit is divided into two parts. Each part is divided into several more compartments, which are where the juicy grains are located. The number of grains in one pomegranate can be up to thousands. The average fruit has approximately five hundred grains. Veins and ribs provide good protection for them, which protect them from impacts and shaking. As long as the fruit is not cut, the grains inside remain intact under any conditions.

Depending on the type of grain, they are dark red, yellow and even white. The seeds of pomegranate seeds are very difficult to chew. Many people do not like their presence. Although there are also varieties in which the seeds are small and very soft, they are almost unnoticeable when chewed. Usually the seeds are bitter, and the pomegranate seeds are juicy and sweet. The sour taste is present in some fruits more, in others less. It all depends on the variety and ripeness.

Pomegranates are brought from Uzbekistan, Afghanistan, Israel, Turkey, Greece, Italy, Portugal, as well as from France. And in Russia there are regions where pomegranate trees are grown - in the Azov region, Crimea, and the southern regions of the Krasnodar Territory. In the Moscow region and areas of the central zone, gardeners are trying to adapt varieties of this crop that are more resistant to cold. In order not to be disappointed with your purchase, you need to know how to choose a pomegranate. Experts recommend taking a good look at the peel - it should be bright red and definitely dry. You should not purchase a product that turns out to be very dark, with brown spots and bald spots. The peel should be tight, as if hugging the grains.

If the fruit is overripe or still unripe, it will be more difficult to peel, and it will not taste very juicy.

When choosing a pomegranate, you also need to pay attention to the jagged “crown” - this is the base of the flower, thanks to which the fruit is called the royal fruit. It should be brightly colored, dry and fully opened.

If the tip of the pomegranate has a greenish tint, then the fruit is unripe. The weight of the pomegranate will also help determine the juiciness of the pomegranate - the heavier the fruit, the tastier it will be. If the pomegranate is not hard, this indicates that it is either frozen or has already deteriorated. When tapped, a ripe fruit produces a ringing sound, while an unripe fruit produces a dull sound.

Pomegranate juice removes radionuclides, saving the body from radiation. The table shows the vitamin content.

Per 100 grams of product Quantity
Vitamin A 0.005 mg
Vitamin B1 0.04 mg
Vitamin B2 0.01 mg
Vitamin B3 0.5 mg
Vitamin B5 0.5 mg
Vitamin B6 0.5 mg
Vitamin B9 0.02 mg
Vitamin C 4 mg
Vitamin E 0.4 mg

In addition to a large number of vitamins, pomegranate also contains minerals.

Per 100 grams of product Quantity
Potassium 236 mg
Calcium 10 mg
Phosphorus 8 mg
Magnesium 12 mg
Sodium 3 mg
Iron 0.3 mg

But do not forget that pomegranate juice can increase the acidity of the stomach. Eating the fruit is contraindicated during exacerbation of gastrointestinal diseases. Pomegranate is used not only for food, but is also quite successfully used in medicine and cosmetology. Many people like the taste of pomegranate, but not everyone dares to peel it. Not everyone knows how to do it correctly. The juice can stain not only your hands, but also your clothes. In addition, stains are very difficult to remove.

How to cut a pomegranate beautifully

Table decoration during holiday feasts or friendly gatherings is very important. This allows you to make a great impression on the assembled guests or your family members. Properly cut fruit can decorate any table. Most often, the pomegranate is cut so that its slices with grains form a semblance of a blossoming flower. Such a bright element can be crowned with a fruit bowl or some exotic salad.

To get a unique edible decoration, you need to follow a few simple rules. First, a sharp knife is important to properly cut through the hard pomegranate skin. Secondly, you should dry the surface of the fruit as much as possible - if moisture remains on it, you won’t get a beautiful cut.

Pomegranates are washed and wiped with a towel or paper napkins. Use a knife to cut off the top, being careful not to damage the grains. Then in the cut place you need to make a small depression in the center. The white films should converge approximately at the bottom of the recess and be clearly visible.

Focusing on the white films separating the slices from each other, make six cuts along the peel. Then a light circular cut is made with a knife exactly in the middle of the fruit - this is necessary to subsequently obtain beautiful petals like a flower.

Each of the lobes is carefully pulled back. For convenience, you can help yourself with a knife. If the side cut is made correctly, the petal will occupy exactly half the length of the segment. After opening all the petals, you need to clean the inside of the fruit from white films. If you cut a pomegranate correctly on a festive table, it will decorate the feast.

Preparing for cleaning

First, you should prepare for cleaning, that is, wash the fruit thoroughly. To do this, use a sponge (brush or thick rag).

We wash it in hot water, since cold water will not cope with removing the protective composition that manufacturers usually cover and which is dangerous for humans due to the paraffin it contains.

After this, we wipe the skin without making any effort, otherwise the product can be damaged without having time to enjoy its taste.

Useful tips

  • You will need a very sharp knife to cut off the top. How can you tell if you did it right? – In your hands you have a fruit whose berries themselves have not been touched, but the white membranes are visible.
  • Make cuts along these so-called membranes. Cut only the skin, without touching the most delicious part - the grains. The result is a fruit whose top half is divided into lobes.
  • Now take the product with one hand and press on one of the lobes with the other. If the cuts were made correctly, the lobe will come off effortlessly along with the grains.
  • Do the same with all the other slices, and then transfer the resulting pieces into a suitable container.

How to cut a pomegranate into wedges

The fruit cut into slices is not only beautiful in appearance. In this form it is much easier to clean it from white films. With this cutting option, splashes cannot be avoided, but the final result will exceed all expectations.

Important! For this method, you should not use a knife that is too wide. The ideal blade width is 1.5-2 cm.

First, you need to cut off the upper and lower parts of the fruit - cut off the peel with a sharp knife, retreating about 2-3 cm from the edge. Then, following the white stripes dividing the fruit from the inside, make deep cuts along the entire length of the peel. The next step is to stick a knife exactly into the middle of the fruit and turn it 180 degrees. Thumbs are placed in the resulting depression, then with a sharp movement the pomegranate is divided into several parts.

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