How to store dahlias in winter at home: places and methods that are best suited for this

It is simply impossible not to love dahlias. Everyone who has their own plot of land always tries to make room for at least a couple of bushes of these amazing flowers. Today there are a lot of varieties and varieties, so everyone can find a plant variety for themselves.

Only when the flowering time ends and the first frosts strike does the question of how to store dahlias in winter at home become acute, so as to enjoy their lush flowering next year. In this article, experts from the portal will talk about how to properly store planting material, what conditions are necessary for this, and what to do if the tubers did not survive the winter well.

Dahlias amaze with their beauty and grace. They delight the eye with a riot of colors from the beginning of summer until the frosts

Preparing for winter - what needs to be done with them before storage

After the first frost hits, they begin preparing the dahlias for wintering. First of all, they carefully inspect the bushes and discard plants with obvious signs of disease. You should not feel sorry for them and try to give them a chance, because during storage healthy tubers may become infected and all the flowers will die. After culling, they begin to clean the soil around the bushes.

Plants that show obvious signs of any disease are immediately burned to prevent the outbreak from spreading. Weak dahlias are removed and sent to rot in a compost pit. It is noteworthy that the tubers accumulate a certain supply of moisture so that they can withstand drought. During storage, excess moisture can provoke rotting processes, so you should stop watering the flowers a week before the intended harvest.

Frozen dahlia tops should be trimmed

If frosts came unexpectedly and the dahlias did not have time to prepare for the winter period, then there is no need to rush to remove them. The tubers are left in the ground for as long as time allows. Frozen tops are cut off, leaving 15 cm above the soil surface. In this state, you can keep the bushes on the site for up to 20 days, which will give them the opportunity to ripen.

Dahlias cannot overwinter in open ground; in the fall they must be dug up and stored indoors. To do this, carefully dig up the soil around the bush with a shovel, remove the tubers and shake them off any remaining soil. You must work extremely carefully, trying not to injure the fragile roots. Finally, they are laid out in the open air and allowed to dry thoroughly.

After digging, the tubers must be thoroughly dried.

After the excavated material has dried, it is inspected to identify damage or the presence of diseases. They also get rid of old tubers that will no longer be able to produce buds next season. In addition, old rhizomes are very poorly preserved until spring, so it is not advisable to send them for the winter. They are easy to distinguish by their dark color, pronounced tuberosity and very large size compared to young ones.

There are two conflicting opinions about whether it is worth washing tubers before sending them for the winter. Some gardeners are supporters of the theory that washing significantly reduces shelf life and destroys the cambium. Others tend to believe that clean roots show damage and disease better.

Conditions for digging dahlias

In dry weather, roots emerge more easily

While the process of predicting the time may seem simple, the digging itself will be several times more difficult. First of all, you need to properly prepare for this stage.

To do this you will need:

  • Tags with the name of the variety . After all, the tubers look the same, so as not to get confused in the spring, you need to label each dug variety. You can use special tags purchased in the department for flower growers, or you can make them yourself. In this matter, only the budget plays a role.
  • Good weather . Digging up dahlias in the rain is a very labor-intensive and dirty job. Therefore, if the forecast predicts cloudy weather, you need to take care of your equipment.
  • Tools . Secateurs and a small spatula are available at each site. When everything is ready for work, you can begin to extract the tubers from their native soil. First, you need to cut the stem by about 40 cm with pruning shears. Next, with a small spatula, very carefully, you need to dig around the entire bush. This must be done very carefully, since a damaged tuber may not survive until the next season. A diseased root can also infect the rest, which will lead to the death of the entire variety. However, this process is not so complicated, the tubers are deep in the ground, if you work with a small tool, you can avoid damage. For convenience, use special forks, so the extraction process will go faster. It is necessary to pierce the soil 10-15 cm and turn the tubers out.

Experienced gardeners do not recommend pulling out or shaking tubers . This method has a number of negative consequences that will lead to damage to the entire root system. The neck is very fragile and can be easily damaged.

After the tubers have been successfully extracted and the most difficult process is over, it is necessary to clear them of soil. It's better to do this by hand, but don't overdo it. Later, the remaining soil can be washed off with settled water.

Recommendation: It is advisable to place dug up dahlias in small labeled boxes to avoid mixing varieties.

Rules for cleaning and preparing dug tubers:

  • Using pruning shears it is necessary to trim thin roots that do not play a special role
  • Small formations on tubers and small shoots are also processed. They will take strength from the root system during wintering
  • The trunk must be removed, as it may begin to rot during the conservation period, which will lead to infection and death.

The final stage is high-quality drying. To do this, you can place the tubers on the veranda for several hours, then begin the preservation process.

How to store after digging - nuances of the storage mode

It is very difficult to create ideal conditions for storing dahlias, but it is possible to get closer to them. It is especially useful for beginning gardeners to become familiar with the preferences of capricious beauties. Otherwise, there is a risk of destroying the tubers due to improper storage. So, you dug up the dahlias. Storing tubers in winter is best done under the following conditions:

  • air temperature – at +5°С;
  • optimal humidity - 60−75%;
  • good ventilation of the room;
  • air must circulate.

Proper storage is the key to success in the next season.
If you ensure the last two points listed, then the risk of fungal infections is minimized. It wouldn’t hurt to pre-disinfect the room or fumigate it with sulfur. The roots are laid in no more than 2 rows. The surface must be dry. The following are used as a substrate:

  • dry sand (in rare cases - earth);
  • sawdust or large wood shavings;
  • any wooden surface.

New technique: wrapping tubers in cling film
Recently, it has been practiced to wrap tubers in cling film before sending them to storage, but this technique has a sufficient number of opponents who are inclined to argue that in such conditions fungal diseases multiply, plants breathe poorly, and the chances of surviving until They don't have much spring. Personally, I had a positive experience of storing dahlias in cling film (there was no other option), however, I will not say that this is one hundred percent effective.

Miracle flowers and their characteristics

Biologists classify dahlias as members of the Astrov family. Their genus includes 42 species of perennial plants that have very large flowers. They often look like balls. Dahlias are surrounded by numerous legends. Mexico became the birthplace of this now very popular flower. It has been mentioned since ancient times. The Mayan peoples widely used dahlias to decorate their homes, as well as during various ritual ceremonies. The Aztecs made water pipes from hollow stems, and used the tubers for food.

The flower came to European countries in 1557. Since that time, it has gained its popularity due to its extraordinary beauty. Its healing properties were discovered here. The fructose-containing roots have been widely used to treat diabetes. The petals saved from various skin diseases and bites of all kinds of insects. Years of fruitful work by breeders have given amateur flower growers more than twenty thousand new varieties. Among them there are both perennial and annual plants. The most varied shades, sizes, and shapes of this miracle flower still captivate hearts and do not leave many gardeners indifferent.

Dahlias were named in honor of the outstanding biologist, professor, traveler, who in Russia was called Ivan Ivanovich Georgi.

How to store tubers at home - why and how to label the roots

If there are at least several varieties of dahlias in the flower industry, then you will need to resort to labeling. This procedure is done to avoid re-sorting. In addition, the strongest tubers are marked with special signs, for example, asterisks. With the beginning of the new season, they can be used to obtain cuttings. Self-made tags are used for labeling. A piece of paper or a piece of plastic with the appropriate inscription is attached to the rope.

Labeling tubers will help avoid unwanted misgrading

You can also use the digital method for marking - apply it to the tubers or attach numbers in a certain order. In this case, you will also need an additional notebook for notes, where you will keep notes about which variety is indicated by which number. This procedure helps not to confuse the varieties of flowers and plant them in the garden bed in the required sequence.

Storage Methods

It may seem strange to beginners, but there are several effective methods for preserving dahlia tubers in winter. You should choose the one that suits you best, taking into account the conditions, the availability of space and the ability to control the condition of the roots.

In sandboxes

One of the most common, affordable and reliable ways to preserve tubers. You will need to prepare a container with a volume of at least 20 liters in advance (the volume depends on the number and size of the roots). Dry sand is poured into it, and then dahlias are laid in 1 or 2 layers. A layer of burlap is placed on top. As evidenced by reviews from experienced flower growers, the roots are simply perfectly preserved in this way. In addition, if necessary, it is possible to control the condition of the tubers.

Storing tubers in boxes with sand is an old and proven method

The disadvantage of the method of preserving planting material in sand is that a lot of sand is needed. In the spring, the flowers may begin to germinate ahead of schedule, which will cause some inconvenience. The main threat to plants when stored in sand is excess moisture. Under no circumstances should the sand be moistened, even if it seems that it is very dry. Moisture in this case will promote rotting. Dry dahlias can still be revived, but rotten ones are no longer possible.

In boxes with sawdust

This technique is also worthy and effective for preserving tubers. However, for this you must choose large sawdust. It's even better to use shavings. Fine sawdust can draw out and absorb all available moisture. Often, both experienced and novice gardeners make a grave mistake when trying to preserve dahlias in sawdust - they place them in plastic bags. As a result, condensation accumulates, and the roots simply rot from excess moisture.

Storing dahlias in boxes with sawdust is a very effective method.

It is not recommended to store dahlia tubers near any vegetables or potatoes. The fact is that an unwanted excess of moisture appears there, leading to the emergence and spread of fungal diseases.

Use of vermiculite

A material such as vermiculite is able to perfectly retain the required amount of moisture. In such conditions there is no need to worry about the roots drying out. However, with the slightest increase in temperature, flowers may sprout prematurely and form suction roots, which is extremely undesirable. To avoid such troubles, it is better to purchase not garden vermiculite, but a special one - coarse-grained.

Storing tubers in vermiculite helps prevent them from drying out.

To implement this method, prepare a container of the required volume and pour a layer of vermiculite on its bottom. After this, a layer of tubers is laid. In this sequence, the entire volume is filled. Finally, a layer of cellophane or polyethylene is laid on top, and the container is sent to a cool place where it will be stored.


This method is used only by the most skilled gardeners, since it requires a lot of labor and time. The efficiency of waxing dahlia tubers is very high. Moisture cannot evaporate through paraffin, thereby avoiding drying out. And the high temperatures that operate during the processing process help kill all existing pathogens.

Waxing tubers takes a lot of effort and time, but is very effective.

As soon as the paraffin hardens, the roots receive reliable protection from the effects of harmful environmental factors. However, this technique should only be used for early plant varieties, since it promotes later awakening of the buds and the formation of suction roots. The method is also relevant for those who are thinking about the question of how to preserve dahlias purchased in February. After all, at this time, as a rule, it is not possible to get dry sand or sawdust. Let's take a closer look at waxing technology.

The finished paraffin or candles should be finely chopped and placed in a metal pan, adding water. All this is placed on top of another container of water, thus creating a water bath. The paraffin is melted over very low heat until the thickness of the molten layer reaches a couple of centimeters. If the roots will not fit in the pan, they will need to be separated. Prepared and dried tubers are tied with thread and quickly dipped in paraffin, after which they are taken out and wait for the substance to harden. In the open air this happens very quickly.

Gladioli: harvesting and storing bulbs, practical tips for growing and storing. In a special publication on our portal, we will talk in detail about how to remove and store gladioli bulbs. You will learn the necessary parameters for storing gladioli in winter at home and the rules for planting and caring for gladioli in open ground.

Where to store - expert advice

It is important to choose not only the right method for storing dahlias in winter, but also to choose a good place for this. There are several options for where you can place the roots for safekeeping. Which one to give preference must be determined based on your capabilities.

The correct choice of storage location for dahlias guarantees their integrity

In the basement

If you have a basement, then it is recommended to arrange shelving there to store dahlia planting material. Subsequently, boxes or boxes can be installed on them. It is important to know what level of humidity and temperature remain in the room throughout the season. These factors significantly affect the safety of planting material.

It is convenient to store dahlias on racks in the basement

Tubers can be stored by placing them on shelves. However, if the basement is dry, then you will need to regularly humidify the air using a spray bottle, which is extremely inconvenient. Several times during the entire storage period it is necessary to sort through the root tubers and remove any that are damaged or have signs of disease. If the damage is minor, then you can cut off the sore spot, and then treat it with brilliant green, a good fungicide, or a strong solution of manganese. If the nodules begin to fade, then try to slightly increase the humidity level in the room by spraying with a spray bottle.

In the cellar

Dahlias love constant temperatures and do not tolerate freezing. If you have a cellar, then you need to know to what minimum the temperature in it can drop in the coldest months. If freezing is possible, insulation methods should be considered in advance.

A good cellar will help preserve dahlia tubers

The ideal cellar for good preservation of dahlia planting material is considered to be a cool and humid room in which the air temperature ranges from +1°C to +7°C and the humidity is maintained at 80-100%. In such conditions, the roots will not dry out or sprout prematurely. Not ideal, but an acceptable option would be a cool but dry cellar. But it’s better to avoid a warm and humid room altogether.

In the apartment

How to preserve dahlias in an apartment until spring? It is very problematic to preserve dahlias until spring. But nothing is impossible, and in the absence of other options, you can achieve the desired result. The main problem is a significant excess of the temperature in the apartment above those recommended for good preservation of root tubers. If you have a small number of roots, they can easily be placed in the plus compartment of the refrigerator. The fact that there is a lot of planting material will cause more inconvenience.

Preserving dahlias in apartment conditions is problematic, but possible

To store dahlias in an apartment, you can use well-insulated boxes that are placed on a closed balcony or loggia. In the event of a threat of a strong drop in temperature, when the thermometer drops below zero, the boxes are brought directly into the apartment and installed in the coolest place. As a rule, it is located near the balcony door. As soon as the threat of freezing has passed, the containers are returned to the balcony.

Determine the name of a garden flower from a photo. In a special publication on our portal we will talk in detail about garden flowers. You will learn about the types of garden flowers, perennials that winter in open ground and look at the photo gallery.

Planting dahlias in the ground

Plants (both cuttings and those grown from divided tubers) are planted in pre-prepared areas with stakes placed and holes dug around them. The approximate distance between plants is set to half the height of an adult plant (from 60 to 100 cm in a row), the distance between rows is at least 100 cm. The stakes must be strong, 160-180 cm high. Coniferous stakes are more durable.

To preserve them for a long time, it is necessary to impregnate the lower part of the stakes with special compounds, for example, 7% iron sulfate, and paint the stakes themselves with green paint. Metal stakes are more durable and convenient. To do this, use old unusable pipes or pieces of reinforcing steel with a diameter of 12-20 mm. The stakes are driven to a depth of 40 cm. After this, a plant is planted closer to the stake (with water added to the hole) so that the neck of the tuber is 4-5 cm below the ground level.

What to do after winter storage, how to revive them

With warmer weather approaching, novice gardeners are thinking about what to do with dahlias after winter. It’s good if you got the tubers from the basement in perfect condition. But often the opposite is true, and it will take some effort to properly awaken the flower. The main spring problem, as practice and numerous reviews show, is the drying out of the roots. How to revive dahlias after winter, and is there any hope that they will bloom wildly?

A wilted tuber can still be revived

If the tubers have not completely dried out, but only withered, then they immediately begin rehabilitation. There is no need to rush to throw away the plant - it will always be done in time. You should take a container of suitable size and fill it with nutritious soil, peat or simple sawdust. Tubers are placed horizontally in this filler, trying not to bury them. The root collar must remain open. Plantings must be generously sprayed with zircon or Epin-Extra, diluted in accordance with the requirements in the attached instructions. Place the containers on a windowsill or in a well-lit place, placing plain paper on the glass. This will ensure good dispersion of the sun's rays. This procedure should be carried out in early March, depending on weather conditions.

Tubers after resuscitation begin to sprout after 3 weeks. For 3 weeks, carefully monitor the behavior of the tubers, preventing the filler from drying out and carrying out regular moistening. Under no circumstances should you allow excess moisture, much less stagnation of water. This will lead to the onset of rotting. After a month, you will find that the growth points begin to come to life (provided that the plant has not died). It is worth taking care of good lighting, because plants can stretch a lot. Moderate watering is required, but no fertilizing is necessary.

You can revive dahlias using a transparent plastic bag.

How to revive dahlias after winter if there is no filler? The method is, of course, risky, but if there is no other choice, it’s worth a try. You need to take a transparent plastic bag that has not been used before and place the spine in it. Next, prepare a growth stimulator solution or purchase a pre-prepared one and spray the tuber with it, then lightly tie the bag (to allow air access). Place everything in a well-lit, warm place and observe. If the moisture evaporates, additional spraying is carried out. As soon as the sprouts reach a height of 5 cm, they can be planted in the garden bed or in separate containers (depending on weather conditions).

Properly reanimated dahlias delight with exuberant flowering

When planting dahlia seedlings obtained in this way in open ground, they must be hilled. If there is a threat of night spring frosts, then the plants are covered with non-woven material. Agrospan, as well as Lutrasil, are suitable for this.

In this article we tried to talk in detail about how to revive dahlias after winter. What to do - the video will provide additional useful information and help you use our advice more effectively in practice.

Work order

In order for the storage of dahlia tubers to go well, the first stage is to follow the rules when digging them out of the ground. It is better to perform this manipulation with a pitchfork, since a shovel can damage the rhizomes. At the same time, you must maintain a distance and do not stick the pitchfork directly under the stem of the plant. In addition to the above, you will need pruning shears. The process of extracting root tubers from the ground is as follows:

  1. The bush is cut with pruning shears at a distance of 10-20 cm from the ground, the inflorescences and frozen areas are sent to a compost pit.
  2. Dahlia rhizomes are dug up with a pitchfork, and at a distance of 15-20 cm from the stem, they begin to lift the soil and select the tubers.
  3. The root tubers are carefully cleaned of soil and a label with information about the plant is attached to each specimen.
  4. After cleaning the rhizomes from the soil (cannot be washed with water), they are dried for 3-5 days.
  5. Damaged parts of the tubers that become noticeable during drying are removed, and the cut areas are treated with crushed activated carbon.
  6. After drying, it is permissible to shorten the remaining shoots to 5-8 cm. This reduction in the length of the shoots will facilitate the distribution of rhizomes; this space saving is especially important if stored in an apartment in winter.

Attention! An old and large tuber can be divided into several, but only those parts that easily move away from the main one are separated.

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