How to replace antistatic agent for clothes at home or at work, analogue

It is impossible to imagine a modern girl’s wardrobe without clothes made from synthetic fabrics. They are comfortable to wear and practical to care for. But synthetics have one unpleasant property: they accumulate static electricity. Special products – antistatic agents – come to the aid of fashionistas. But is it possible to replace the antistatic agent? How? When should you look for alternatives?

Hairspray on guard

  • Collect pet hair. It is recommended to spray the brush with varnish, and it will remove hair much faster. If you don’t have a brush at hand, then spray the fabric with varnish and collect the wool with your hand. They promise that lint and hair roll off very quickly and are easily shaken off the fabric.
  • Hairspray can replace an antistatic agent.
    It’s rare that a fashionista will carry an antistatic agent in her purse. If for some reason the hem of the skirt (dress) begins to blatantly stick to the tights, treat it with varnish. Its effect is not as lasting as that of an antistatic agent, but for some time it will be a salvation. *** Be careful with silk fabrics as... The varnish on them may leave stains.

Additional recipes for preparing antistatic agents

Each of these recipes is also particularly popular. After all, they are prepared quickly and easily, and their benefits for synthetic material are significant.

To prepare them, you can use some products and components that can be found at home.

  • citric acid or citrus juice;
  • fabric softeners;
  • salt.

Let's look at each of them in more detail:

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