We wash, bleach and disinfect kitchen towels with mustard

The kitchen is the face of the housewife. How important it is to keep the stove, refrigerator or sink clean. But while cleaning a kettle and microwave is not particularly difficult, dealing with dirty kitchen towels at home is usually very difficult. However, there are interesting and effective ways in which you can bleach and wash kitchen linen with ordinary mustard. All you need for this is mustard powder and water.

Weekly towels are good helpers for the clean housewife


This powder is able to remove stains and traces of grease from them. In addition, it will disinfect towels, saving family members from infections and germs. There are several recipes for removing stains with mustard powder.

First way

  • mustard – 4 tbsp. l.;
  • water – 4 l.

After preparing everything necessary, prepare the water for soaking:

  • bring the water to a boil;
  • pour mustard powder into boiling water and stir everything well;
  • when the solution has settled, it is filtered;
  • Dirty handbrake handles are dipped into the filtered solution;
  • After two hours, take out the towels and rinse well in clean water. Then it is dried and ironed.

Wanting to enhance the effect of cleanliness after soaking, the wipes are thrown into an automatic washing machine at a temperature of 60 degrees. Colored towels are washed separately from white ones.

Second way

In the kitchen there will be a handbrake that is hopelessly dirty and stained. Just washing is not enough here. In such situations, it is better to immediately resort to bleaching kitchen towels. Mustard gruel can do this.

  • the powder is diluted in warm water to a thick paste;
  • Having spread a pre-moistened towel on the table surface, spread this mustard paste onto dirty oil stains;
  • everything is rolled up and placed in a plastic bag;
  • After two hours, the handbrake is washed by hand or in a machine.

After this treatment, things regain their former brightness.

Third way

White towels turn gray over time. Then the kitchen will not shine with its former cleanliness. Ordinary mustard powder can give them their former whiteness.

This is done as follows:

  • one package of mustard is dissolved in a bowl of hot water;
  • Stir the solution thoroughly for 5 minutes;
  • white towels are immersed in the resulting bleaching solution;
  • After 12 hours, the towels are washed.

Fourth method

To make your kitchen shine, various methods of removing stains from wipes are used. Mustard is a remedy that has proven itself excellent in this matter. It is capable of washing dirty wipes after a short soaking.

Old stains will require bleaching:

  • handbrake handles are simply soaked, and then washed in clean water and dried;
  • Five liters of hot water are poured into a bucket;
  • pre-prepared mustard powder gruel is dissolved in a bucket of water. Add 50 grams of any powder;
  • towels are kept for 2–3 hours;
  • Well-washed handbrake hang out to dry.

The slight disinfectant property of mustard powder can be enhanced. This is achieved by adding vinegar to the water when rinsing (100 grams per 10 liters). Vinegar will also help get rid of unpleasant odors that sometimes permeate wipers.

Strengthening the method by soaking

To ensure that the mustard begins to act faster, the contaminant can be softened first. A simple soaking will help do this.

The procedure is as follows:

  1. Fill a small basin with warm or hot water.
  2. Place your laundry in it.
  3. You can also wash it by hand using laundry soap.
  4. Rinse thoroughly.
  5. Boil a bucket of water.
  6. Pour 1 package of powder into it.
  7. Add 50 g of your favorite washing powder or washing gel.
  8. Mix everything thoroughly.
  9. Leave the soiled items in the resulting mixture for 3 hours.
  10. Wash in any convenient way.

After this, you can start drying. Kitchen towels washed in this way will get rid of stubborn and stubborn stains.

If kitchen napkins are not only heavily stained, but also have specific odors, one simple remedy will help. You just need to add 100 ml of vinegar during the last rinse. It not only neutralizes odors, but also has an additional disinfecting effect.

Care instructions

Getting wipes to their original cleanliness is not always easy. If treated with care, they will last for many years.

A few tricks will help extend their life in the kitchen:

  1. It is wise to have several (up to a dozen) towels in the kitchen. This will allow you to avoid using one handbrake endlessly. There will be a little bit for everyone. While one is in use, others are in the wash or waiting their turn.
  2. Unworn wipes are easier to wash. Soaked in mustard solution, they easily remove stains.
  3. The habit of changing kitchen towels every 2-3 days will allow you to enjoy their cleanliness for a long time. A few days have passed and the handbrake is sent to the wash. Even if no stains are visible, it is wise to do so. You used it, which means you need to wash it. This will be easy to do with mustard.

What is the principle of operation

Connoisseurs of the fiery and aromatic mustard seasoning know that with the help of mustard powder you can fight excess weight. Mustard is used to wash very oily scalps and even wash clothes with stubborn stains. What is the secret of regular mustard? Everything is very simple. Its grains are capable of breaking down fats and oils of organic origin. First of all, you can quickly wash kitchen towels with mustard powder. Moreover, this seasoning, after removing the stain, kills fungi and microbes. And this is so important, especially for kitchen items that come into contact with plates and food.

Selection of towels

In order for the handbrake to last a long time and remain snow-white, it is good to follow several rules:

  • There is no place for terry towels in the kitchen, as they quickly get dirty. They require a lot of effort when washing and take a long time to dry. Waffle handles are an excellent option for wiping. There are many ways to whiten them efficiently. Cotton or linen handles are good to have on hand;
  • Kitchen textiles are not a universal means for drying. In the kitchen there is always a separate wipe for hands, and a separate one for dishes. The table, stove surface, and sink are wiped with either a sponge or a special napkin;
  • The more often handbrake handles are washed, the easier it is to do this, since the stains that have settled on them will not have time to settle firmly. With this regime, the owner has a better chance of getting rid of them;
  • White handbrake have an advantage over colored handbrake. A stain is immediately detected on them, even a barely noticeable one;
  • dirty hands are first washed and then dried. With this order there will be less dirt on the handbrake;
  • oily wipes are washed separately from other items;
  • Ironing kitchen towels will protect them from subsequent contamination.

Considering these subtleties, you will be able to extend the service life of your kitchen towels. Not only expensive detergents will help in the pursuit of cleanliness in the kitchen. Folk remedies are also good in this matter. In addition, mustard for washing parking brakes is necessary in a house where there are allergy sufferers. The natural product will give your towels whiteness and freshness. The process is simple. Towels are soaked, washed, dried and ironed.


To keep your towels clean longer, follow these recommendations:

  • use several types of towels in the kitchen: for hands, for tables, etc.;
  • before wiping your hands on a towel, at least rinse them, or better yet, wash them;
  • wipe off greasy stains with paper towels;
  • You should wash kitchen towels at least once a week;
  • Try not to use terry towels in the kitchen. It is very difficult to wash them.

Things to remember

  1. Take immediate action . Any contamination can be removed if you immediately start getting rid of it.
  2. Select the water temperature depending on the fabric. Wash knitted clothes in hot water and delicate clothes in cold or warm water.
  3. Dry it properly. Do not dry the item while the stain remains on it, otherwise it will become stronger.

If you dry clothes outdoors - in the yard or on the balcony, make sure the ropes are clean

How to wash ketchup

Ketchup, like other tomato sauces, contains natural red pigments. It is because of them that it is difficult to remove stains from the sauce - the natural substance eats into the fibers of the fabric and is securely fixed there.

Removing a fresh stain is not difficult, you just need to remove the remaining sauce with a napkin, and then rinse the underside of the item with cold water. Next, you need a standard wash using a powder and mode suitable for the type of fabric.

Old stains will require soaking in a stain remover solution. It is advisable to first apply it to the stain, and only after half an hour throw the item into a bowl with the prepared solution.

Attention! Under no circumstances should you use boiling water to soak clothes with tomato stains, because this will only cause the pigment to become more deeply embedded in the fibers, and it will be impossible to remove the stain without harming the fabric.

Washing with salt

Surprisingly, ordinary table salt will not only help refresh summer items made from cotton and linen fabrics, but will also preserve their presentation for a long time even after frequent washing and rinsing. After all, as you know, the main problem with bright blouses bought for the summer is that every now and then you have to wash them just because of the smell of sweat and city dust, and not because of any serious dirt. Due to these frequent washings, they fade very quickly, and the fabric loses its properties. Salt helps solve all these problems.

When washing with table salt, it is important to maintain the proportions: dilute strictly one heaped tablespoon of salt per liter of warm water, and only then can you soak and wash things in the resulting solution.

This method of washing will save money on the purchase of powder and new clothes, and will also not harm the skin of your hands and the environment.

Removing stains from ketchup, mustard and other sauces from colored fabrics

Sauce stains are usually difficult to remove. The real problem is caused by ketchup and mustard stains on white clothes or mayonnaise stains on dark ones. Mustard contains turmeric, which itself is a natural dye, so it is extremely difficult to remove such stains from a white shirt. The best way to get rid of mustard stains is to apply detergent to a still fresh stain and wash the item as quickly as possible.

Accidentally stained your shirt or pants with sauce? Don't let stains ruin your favorite clothes! The above tips will help you remove such stains.

How to remove ketchup and mustard

Stains from cooking sauces can permanently ruin the appearance of your clothes if you don’t take immediate action. There are remedies - chemical and folk - that cope with stains from ketchup and mustard sauce.

But it is important to know how to use them in order to effectively deal with stains on different types of fabrics. The article discusses these means and methods in more detail.

Soda ash

In general, different compositions are needed for washing fabrics. Acidic and neutral environments are favorable for washing products made from animal fibers (wool, silk), alkaline environments are favorable for washing products made from plant fibers (cotton, linen); moderately alkaline environment - for washing fabrics made from artificial and synthetic fibers.

Therefore, products made from cotton and linen fibers can be washed with soda ash (these are alkaline salts). It washes perfectly, even thick linen sheets - they become snow-white! Especially in a washing machine (automatic). But the washing temperature must be 50-70° C.

But this is completely unsuitable for wool and silk fabrics - they become hard, brittle and quickly break down.

Removing old stains

Stains that have already been absorbed into the item and do not come off can also be removed. It will take a little longer to remove old stains. However, you can deal with them using my proven methods:

  • dishwashing detergent: it perfectly removes greasy stains and is considered an easily accessible stain remover that any housewife can find. Pour any detergent onto the greasy stain without rubbing, leave the gel for about a couple of hours. Then wash your clothes;
  • white chalk (crushed ): a simple and effective grease stain remover. Completely cover the greasy stain with chalk powder, place any weight on top and, after 3-4 hours, shake out the powder with a brush;
  • iron: place several layers of blotting paper on the greasy stain and run a hot iron over it;
  • turpentine or kerosene: moisten a cotton pad with turpentine or kerosene, then begin to scrub the greasy stain from the edges to the center. Remember that during such cleaning it is necessary to ventilate the room.
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