Simple and quick 14 methods to remove and wash pen stains from clothes

Ink stains can appear anywhere: on furniture, on paper, on the skin of your hands and more.

They dry quickly and become firmly embedded in the surface, making them difficult to deal with.

Read the article on how to wipe ballpoint paste and gel pen ink from various surfaces (plastic, rubber, paper, wallpaper, hand skin, etc.).

How to remove fresh stains

It is easy to remove blots from a blouse if you start processing immediately. First, blot off excess paste with a napkin or paper towel. Then the stained area of ​​​​the fabric is sprinkled with an absorbent - baby powder, flour, starch. When the pigment is absorbed, the remaining powder is cleaned off with a soft brush. The mark is wiped with hydrogen peroxide (3%) or alcohol. Then the clothes are washed.

Don't put off washing

How to wash pen from clothes if there are old stains

The dyes with which the rods are filled easily penetrate the fiber structure and are fixed on the material. It's difficult to deal with old stains, but it's worth a try. Absorbents absorb fresh paint and are useless once the dark splashes have dried. Before washing off the ink, treat the stubborn stain with a solvent:

  • use a mixture of equal parts of turpentine and ammonia to clean stains on synthetics;
  • Use alcohol to wipe off stains on wool and silk;
  • White spirit or acetone are suitable for cleaning light cotton or linen items.

After preliminary rubbing off the dirt, the clothes are washed. Sometimes pre-soaking in warm soapy water or sour milk is required. The item is immersed in liquid for 6–8 hours, then placed in the machine and the full cycle is started.

Stubborn ink is difficult to remove

Reference! When scrubbed, the paste often spreads across the material. In order not to accidentally increase the area of ​​contamination, the contours of the ink mark are “sealed” with paraffin before treatment - outlined with a candle.

Stain removers

Special means show high effectiveness of their use. Any of them should be used according to instructions.

How to use stain remover:

  1. Pour the product onto the problem area. Wait the required time.
  2. Machine wash with conditioner.

Also, such substances can be added to the wash along with the powder.

Traditional methods

Housewives know many effective ways to easily wash a pen from a fabric. To remove dark stains, use safe means at hand. We invite you to get acquainted with common home recipes.

Laundry soap and talc

The absorbent will help deal with a fresh stain. The stained area is sprinkled with talcum powder. After the paint has been absorbed, the substance is swept away from the fabric, the shirt is soaked in soap suds, and then washed by hand.

It’s useful to know, read: - 20 best ways to remove blood if the stains are fresh or old.


A paste without additives or dyes is applied to the stains with an old toothbrush. The dried layer is carefully cleaned off. You will have to wash the T-shirt to remove any residue.


If you don’t have table vinegar on hand, use apple or wine vinegar. Moisten the cotton wool and wipe away the stain. After 25 - 30 minutes, rinse thoroughly.


The stains are first moistened with warmed milk. After 40 minutes, rub with a sponge. The dress is soaked in warm soapy foam. The final stage of the procedure is washing as usual. Fresh milk is sometimes replaced with kefir or curdled milk: the acid dissolves the pigment.

Milk removes dye well

Additional Information! So that after removing the strokes you do not have to remove fatty milk stains, take a low-fat drink.

Dishwashing gels

The concentrate will get rid of blots if you react quickly. Pour 2-3 drops of gel onto the newly appeared splashes, rub lightly, then rinse thoroughly.

How to clean your pen with cosmetics

Common cosmetic products are used to remove ink stains:

  • nail polish remover - place a towel under the colored mark, rub the contaminated area with cotton wool soaked in remover (on thick fabrics, use a liquid containing acetone);
  • shaving foam is applied for 2.5 - 3.5 hours (do not rub the product in so that the stains do not penetrate deeper);
  • hairspray - spray on the dirt, leave for 5 minutes;
  • greasy hand cream is spread in a thin layer on the stain; when the composition is absorbed, remove the residue with a napkin;
  • micellar water - apply a cotton pad moistened with the product to the drip for 7 - 10 minutes.

The cleaned item is washed in the machine.

Baking soda

Baking soda quickly removes any dirt. To remove marks on trousers, you need to dilute the powder with water to the consistency of sour cream and lightly rub into the stained area. Wait 15 minutes, then start washing.

Baking soda lightens pigment

Soda and ammonia

Use a mixture of ammonia and baking soda to remove pen marks from light-colored trousers. To prepare the working solution, add 1 table to 2.5 liters of warm water. l. ammonia and 2.5 table. l. soda The contaminated item is placed in liquid, lightly scrubbed and left for 3 hours. After soaking, the trousers are rinsed and washed using the usual method.

Rubbing alcohol and laundry soap

The stains are first wiped with a gauze swab soaked in alcohol, then immediately washed with soap. After waiting 40 - 45 minutes, the skirt is washed by hand.

Salt, starch, chalk

Use crushed chalk, salt or starch to remove fresh stains from wool or suede clothing. The substance is sprinkled on the contaminated area. After 4 hours, the residues are cleaned off with a soft brush and removed with a cotton pad soaked in turpentine.

Reference! Clean clothes during the day: in daylight it is easier to assess changes in fabric shades and remove the slightest stains in a timely manner.

Lemon juice

The dark strokes on the dress are poured with lemon juice. After 15 - 20 minutes, the clothes are sent to the wash. To speed up stain removal, mix the following ingredients:

  • 1.5 table. l. laundry soap shavings;
  • 0.5 tsp. l. hydrogen peroxide;
  • 0.5 tsp. l. lemon juice.

The resulting composition is applied to the dirty area. After 45 minutes, rinse and wash with powder.

Citric acid dissolves ink

White Spirit

The solvent destroys dried paste on things made of dense material: linen, denim, cotton. The stained area is wiped with white spirit. Do not press the tampon too hard to avoid damaging the fibers. Jeans are washed by hand and rinsed thoroughly. Drying on the balcony.

Mustard powder

The caustic powder is diluted with warm water to form a paste. Apply to the area with stains. After 2–4 hours, the dried mustard is peeled off, and the remains are washed with warm water. This method should not be used to clean white shirts: the substance stains the material.


Fuel instantly removes ink from woolen items. A swab moistened with kerosene is applied to the dirty area for a couple of minutes, then the sweater is washed.

Additional Information! Before work, open the window. Treated clothes are washed by hand, otherwise the pungent odor will be absorbed into the parts of the washing machine. During subsequent washes, clean laundry will smell like kerosene.

Hydrogen peroxide with ammonia

A mixture of two popular products easily copes with most stains. The pen was no exception. This method is most effective when removing stains from thick cotton shirts.

How to proceed:

  1. Mix peroxide and ammonia in a teaspoon, dilute in a glass of water.
  2. Pour onto the streaked areas. Let it soak in for a few minutes.
  3. Wash the item.

It is recommended to additionally wash any remaining traces with soapy water.

How to remove ink from a gel pen

Liquid gel ink quickly spreads throughout the fabric and impregnates the fibers. To wipe off stubborn stains, mix 2 tablespoons. l. alcohol and hydrogen peroxide with 0.5 liters of water. Moisten the stains with this liquid and rinse after 15 minutes.

The following products work well to remove gel pen marks:

  • glycerol;
  • salt;
  • lemon juice;
  • soda;
  • warmed milk.

Micellar water easily removes pen marks from delicate types of fabric.

Glycerin destroys dark stains

How to remove stains if the type of fabric is known

When choosing a cleaner and cleaning method, look at what material the item is made of. Study the symbols on the labels and do not use products prohibited by the manufacturer.

Wool silk

To remove ink from silk clothes, use citric acid or salt. You should not rub or twist the blouse: the delicate material does not tolerate rough impact.

To clean a woolen jacket, use yogurt or a mixture of equal doses of liquid soap and turpentine. The marks are carefully wiped with cotton wool soaked in the product. Then the item is washed, thoroughly rinsed, and aired.


From a jacket made of fleecy material - velvet, corduroy, plush - the strokes are removed with mustard or warm milk. The swab is moistened with the product and applied to the drip. After 10–14 hours, wash and dry. After drying, the pile is carefully smoothed with a brush.

Microfiber, viscose and other mixed fabrics

Before washing, apply to the contaminated area:

  • lemon juice;
  • mustard powder;
  • curdled milk.

Fabrics containing synthetic fibers cannot be washed with aggressive agents (gasoline, acetone). Do not use chlorine bleaches.

Fresh stains are washed off with laundry soap

Reference! Place a towel or clean napkin folded in 2-3 layers under the treated area.

Linen and cotton

Dense natural materials are cleaned with citric or acetic acid, soda, and acetone. If the pigment on a pocket or cuff has disappeared, but stains remain, the shirt is bleached with an oxygen-containing product.

denim denim

The ink is quickly absorbed into the elastic, dense denim fibers. If washing in warm soapy foam does not clean the jeans, try one of the following methods:

  1. Rub the mark with a mixture of 2 tablespoons. l. glycerin, 5 table. l. ammonia and 5 table. l. turpentine.
  2. Connect 2 tables. l. ammonia and hydrogen peroxide with 12 tbsp. l. hot water.

Use a soft cloth soaked in the solution to wipe off the dirt. After treatment, stained jeans are washed as usual.

Leather, leatherette

Newly planted blots from a leather jacket are removed with a napkin soaked in milk or turpentine. The dirt is wiped off with hand cream, and after 10 minutes the surface is cleaned with soap foam. Sprinkle old stains with salt and squeeze lemon juice on top. After 15 minutes, the dried absorbent is cleaned off. If home recipes do not cope with pen marks, leather items are treated with Avel Detacheur Stylo Bille solution. A couple of drops are applied to a soft cloth and rubbed over a smooth surface.

The liquid will remove any dirt from the skin

Suede and nubuck

Surfaces are cleaned mechanically:

  • stains are carefully removed with an eraser;
  • tape is applied to the stroke and sharply torn off (the ink will be imprinted on the sticky layer);
  • The marks are wiped with sandpaper.

At the end of the procedure, the surface is cleaned with a special brush and treated with a suede care spray.

Additional Information! In order not to spoil the material, before the procedure the cleaner is tested on an inconspicuous area (inner seam, hem). If the tissue has not shrunk, the original color has not changed, or a hole has not appeared, the drug is used according to the instructions without fear.

Polyester mixed sweatshirts

Synthetics do not tolerate aggressive agents and bleaches. To remove ink marks from a polyester jacket or a sweatshirt made from a mixed fabric, use the following methods:

  • ethyl alcohol is applied to the blot; blot with a clean napkin until the dirt disappears;
  • borax is mixed with water to form a paste; cover the spots, wash off after half an hour;
  • The splashes are rubbed with dishwashing gel, after 5 minutes they are scrubbed and rinsed.

If the stain does not disappear, try another method. Dissolve 1 table in a liter of warm water. l. vinegar and 1 tsp. l. dish gel. Apply the prepared solution to the dirt with a soft cloth. After half an hour they try to scrub it off, then put it in the wash.

Ethyl alcohol dissolves the dye

Kids' things

Delicate children's skin is sensitive to the effects of allergens and aggressive substances. To remove ink from a child’s dress, use universal folk cleaners, as well as stain removers for children’s underwear:

  • Eared Nanny;
  • Cotico;
  • Dr. Tuttell.

Suits are treated with non-aggressive household chemicals (spray foam or Antipyatin soap; Bos, Umka powders). The preparations remove streaks and leave a pleasant smell. A large stain that could not be removed is covered with applique or embroidery.

Hairspray, for removing from leatherette or leather

To combat ink on leather and leatherette products, you will need an alcohol-based varnish. The clothes are laid out on the surface, placing a clean cloth napkin under the area with the blot. Spray the varnish generously from a distance of 30 cm and wait 3-5 minutes for the reaction. Wipe gently without waiting for it to dry. The stain will be noticeably reduced. To achieve the result, repeat the procedure.

Advice! Hairspray is suitable for removing ink from synthetic fabrics.

How to remove ink from white fabric

To remove pen from white clothes, mix the following ingredients:

  • hydrogen peroxide – 40 g;
  • water – 120 g;
  • ammonia – 20 g.

The liquid is distributed over the stained area with a soft sponge. If the pigment was not removed the first time, the attempt is repeated 2–3 times. The treated blouse is machine washed.

Low-fat sour milk and kefir help clean white matter. If you put cotton wool soaked in a fermented milk drink on the contaminated area for 2 - 2.5 hours, and then wash the shirt, there will be no trace of ink left. When dry, the cotton wool is replaced with a new one.

Scotch tape, eraser

One of the simplest and most effective methods for removing ink stains is to use tape and an eraser. They work great with paste left on the skin.

How to use:

  1. Firmly stick a strip of tape to the problem area and then tear it off.
  2. Go over this area with an eraser in the same way as when erasing a pencil.

If this method is not enough, it will simplify the task for the following means.

Colored fabrics

Ink is removed from dyed fabrics using gentle methods that do not cause discoloration of fragments:

  • hairspray;
  • undiluted glycerin;
  • salt and lemon juice;
  • curdled milk;
  • alcohol.

After treatment in this way, the clothes are washed.

Powder removes stains and restores color

When homemade recipes are useless, store-bought bleaches are used, the packaging of which bears the inscription Color. Do not use chlorine-containing bleaches, as well as aggressive mixtures of vinegar and alcohol, turpentine and ammonia: such combinations cause fabric damage and partial discoloration.

Reference! The dirt is wiped off from the reverse side, moving from the edges of the blot to the center.


Using vinegar is an effective way to restore any item to its original appearance. But it is not suitable for delicate fabrics, as it can damage them.

How to reduce ink:

  1. Heat the acid to 60°C.
  2. Treat all traces with it for 15 minutes.
  3. Wash clothes.

In the same way, a mixture of acetone and alcohol is used, the proportions of which must be equal.

Special products to remove ink from clothes

Targeted drugs Stain Devils and Expert, released under the Dr. Beckmann, even dried ink is removed from clothes. Dissolves pigment without corroding fibers. Does not contain chlorine, phosphates. They destroy ink strokes on light and colored materials without a trace.

The following stain cleaners can also remove marks:

  • foam spray Antipyatin;
  • Sodasan concentrate;
  • stick DeleteStick;
  • Lion TOP;
  • Udalix Ultra pencil;
  • Clean Home;
  • Vanish Oxi Action.

After pre-treatment with a stain remover, the dress is washed in warm soapy foam.

The special product easily removes stubborn stains

How to wipe a pen off a person's body

Hands smeared with ink are washed with soap. The remaining traces are treated with vodka, cologne or alcohol-containing tonics. To remove miniature splashes, use hairspray, remover or acetone. After the paint disappears, the body is wiped with alcohol-containing sanitary napkins and lubricated with a rich cream.

Additional Information! Small fresh blots are lightened with a slice of lemon or matches. The marks are smeared with moistened sulfur head, then soaped and lightly rubbed with pumice. Wash and blot with a towel. At the final stage, a nourishing mask is made.

If the neck or face is dirty, use drugs that remove makeup:

  • hydrolates;
  • bio-oils for makeup remover;
  • two-phase makeup remover,

The delicate skin will be cleansed, irritation and dryness will disappear. If the stained area is large, try to lighten the fragment with a scrub with a whitening effect.

Micellar water will scrub your cheeks and hands

Liquid gel prints are easier to remove from skin than wiping off with a ballpoint pen. The methods discussed above are used, but alcohol preparations are replaced with acetic acid heated to 35℃. After the procedure, the body is softened with baby cream. Chlorine-containing cleaners and acetone are suitable for removing old strokes.

How to remove ballpoint pen stains from home interiors and objects

To clean furniture, appliances and accessories, people turn to popular folk recipes and household chemicals.


Do not use abrasives to maintain the refrigerator: coarse particles damage the enamel. The scribbles from the walls and door are carefully cleaned with a melamine sponge and colorless toothpaste. New art immediately disappears after wiping with ethanol or alcohol-containing lotion. To wash the rubber seal, use cotton wool soaked in vegetable oil.

Melamine sponge quickly scrubs stained panels


Small streaks are treated with a wet match head or sunscreen; large ones - with concentrated soda solution. Cleaners (Cif, Comet, Pemolux) are thoroughly rubbed onto a wet windowsill or chair. After 20 minutes, rinse.


Common techniques can help you deal with scribbled pieces:

  1. The dirty part is rubbed with hydrogen peroxide; after 30 minutes the floor is washed.
  2. Stains are wiped off with warm table vinegar. Undried dirt will be wiped off immediately. The old pigment is wetted twice.
  3. Powdered citric acid is diluted with water and covered the treated area. The dried layer is cleaned and the floor is wiped.
  4. Soda is diluted to a paste-like consistency and spread on ink zigzags. After drying, wash off.

If available means are useless, use Whiteness. Sometimes you have to call specialists from a cleaning company or replace the damaged part.

To enhance the effect, vinegar is heated

Wooden surfaces

When choosing a cleaning method, take into account the wood processing technology:

  1. Dark specks are removed from painted wood with alcohol or a mixture of ammonia and glycerin (1:1).
  2. Marks on polished cabinets are erased with microfiber soaked in beer. When the drink has evaporated, rub the treated area with a wax candle. The final stage of cleaning is polishing with flannel.

Remove stains from an unpainted wooden table with soap suds, salt or ammonia.


Glass items, shelves and doors are cleaned with ethanol, tomato juice, and ammonia.


Universal solvents are purposefully applied to the stained corner using a cotton swab or a narrow brush:

  • combination 1 tsp. l. vinegar essence and a couple of potassium permanganate crystals (then wiped with peroxide);
  • cologne;
  • vodka.

The drips will disappear if the smeared area is covered with starch paste (minor damage will appear on the sheet). The remaining absorbent is swept away. A press is placed on top to straighten the document. The dry sheet is ironed with a hot iron through gauze folded in 3 layers.

The eraser will clean and not tear the wallpaper

Pen strokes are eliminated mechanically: the stained part of the text is removed with an eraser, sandpaper, or a sharp blade.


The type of wall covering influences the choice of cleaning procedure:

  1. Damp-resistant vinyl is cleaned with dissolved powder or dishwashing concentrate.
  2. Marks are removed from delicate textile fabrics with diluted mustard or a mixture of equal doses of alcohol and glycerin.
  3. Non-woven fabric does not tolerate waterlogging. The tags are impregnated with perhydrol. Half a hard-boiled egg is applied to the discolored pattern (the egg is cut without waiting for cooling).
  4. Paper wallpaper is afraid of moisture. Diluted soda is evenly distributed over the spray. The hardened crust is carefully wiped off with a clean cloth.

The contours of the drips are also outlined with purchased bleaches. Safe and effective:

  • Domestos;
  • Vanish;
  • Cotico;
  • Dr Beckmann.

Don't rub too hard.

White toothpaste is suitable for cleaning


Children's art is wiped off with a melamine sponge from dolls made of vinyl, plastic, rubber. If the marks persist, use the following measures:

  • nail polish remover;
  • acetone;
  • lemon juice;
  • toothpaste;
  • petrol;
  • dish gel.

If these products cannot cope with ink stains, you will have to make baths or compresses. Working solutions are prepared as follows:

  1. Combine a liter of warm water, 6 table. l. vegetable oil and laundry soap shavings (0.5 bars).
  2. Mix 0.5 cups of vinegar and 1/8 teaspoon. l. potassium permanganate. The liquid is slightly heated. Apply to the stained area with a soft sponge (the painted area will turn dark brown). After 10 minutes, the treated area is cleaned with hydrogen peroxide.

In order not to damage the makeup, strokes are removed from Barbie’s face using pharmaceutical ointments Flucinar or Ugresol.

Reference! Cleansing preparations are applied to the doll, trying not to touch the eyelashes: from the action of aggressive substances, the delicate texture quickly becomes thinner and breaks.

It will be difficult to clean the face of the toy
Upholstered furniture and carpets

To remove handle marks on upholstered furniture, specify the type of coating:

  1. Blots are removed from fabric upholstery with lemon juice, sour milk, and vinegar.
  2. Tags on eco-leather and leatherette are cleaned with hydrogen peroxide, car shampoo, and a mixture of ammonia and glycerin (1:2). Glycerin leaves stains on black surfaces, so stains on black leatherette are wiped off with ethyl.
  3. Natural skin is cleansed with milk and face cream. If the ink does not disappear, use preparations to care for leather furniture.
  4. Wipe the handle off the suede with soapy foam.

Avel Hussard powder cleans any coating. The drips are dusted off, and after a couple of hours the preparation is removed with a vacuum cleaner or brush.

The paste is removed from carpets with shaving foam: the substance is applied to the removed mark using blotting movements. Residues after 20 minutes are removed with alcohol or diluted vinegar (take 1 part table vinegar to 15 parts water). After cleaning, the carpet is blotted with a dry cloth and vacuumed to straighten the pile.

Colored ink

A mixture of glycerin and medical alcohol (2:5) helps to cope with red, black, green ink stains on dense matter. Glycerin leaves streaks on silk dresses, so gentle methods are used to remove colored marks on delicate material: clean with salt and lemon juice. Thin fabrics are soaked in cool soapy foam.

Salt saves delicate fabrics from gel pen marks


Dear Clean! From now on, let ink only be in notes left in the morning for a sleeping wife by her beloved husband or your child. School shirts, art on the sofa/wallpaper will no longer shock you - now you can cope with any adventure of a ballpoint pen.

Dear Clean! Let your loved ones give you only positive emotions! ❤

PS Girls! Be sure to share your impressions in the comments! All Clean people reading the site are interested in knowing YOUR opinion.

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Express methods

To quickly remove ballpoint pen paste from clothes, housewives use the following methods:

  1. The stains are spot-smeared with crushed chalk and white toothpaste without additives (tooth powder diluted to a paste). The dried substance is cleaned off with a soft brush.
  2. A soiled shirt is soaked in yogurt. After 20 minutes, wash in warm soapy water.
  3. The splashes are sprinkled with salt, onto which 5-7 drops of lemon juice are squeezed. After 15–25 minutes, the salt is cleaned off and the trousers are sent for washing.
  4. Rub the stain with laundry soap and leave for 15 minutes. Then wash thoroughly in lukewarm water.

Fresh dirt helps remove alcohol. To do this, wipe the drips with a cotton pad moistened with alcohol. If you can’t clean the item the first time, try again.


In this method you will need a ready-made soap solution. It will act as an amplifier of the effect. Salt will easily corrode old stains, relieving the owner of the problem.

What to do:

  1. Wet the ink marks with soapy water.
  2. Sprinkle them with salt and wait about two hours.
  3. Wipe the area to be treated with a dry cloth and rinse.

You can also sprinkle the item with salt for a few days without using soap. Then you just need to collect all the grains and wipe with a cotton swab soaked in glycerin or turpentine.

What not to do

Sometimes trying to erase paste from a shirt brings additional trouble - ink spreading, damaging the item. In order not to spoil things, follow the rules:

  • drips should not be wiped with a damp cloth - this causes the blots to spread and the paste to be absorbed into the fibers of the material;
  • do not mix different types of cleaners so as not to spoil the fabric;
  • washing in hot water increases the spreading of the dye, so dresses are cleaned in moderately warm or cool water (at a temperature of + 30 - 45℃);
  • Cleaning agents are not left on the splashes longer than the specified time to avoid discoloration of colored fabrics and the appearance of yellow spots on white fabrics.

It is more difficult to remove ingrained ink from fabric than freshly planted ink. Therefore, having put a blot on a shirt, they quickly begin to clean it.

Stains are rubbed from the edge to the center

Lemon juice

As a rule, freshly squeezed citrus juice is used to clean white items. However, this should be done carefully so as not to leave new stains on them.

How to clean an item:

  1. Squeeze the juice from one lemon, mix with salt to obtain a thick paste.
  2. Apply to ink strips for half an hour.
  3. Wash clothes.

The exposure time depends on how old the stain is. It may deviate from the specified value within 15 minutes.

If all else fails

If no method helps remove paste from clothes, you should try these home remedies:

  • hairspray - spray the fixative onto the mark, wash the item after 5 minutes;
  • white spirit + soda - rub the dirty area with solvent and sprinkle with baking soda, when the ink disappears, carry out a wet treatment;
  • acetone + alcohol – the components are mixed in equal doses; a swab soaked in the solution is placed on the blot; through fabric folded in 2 - 3 layers, iron with a hot iron; the treated T-shirt is washed.

These aggressive agents are not used for washing clothes made from delicate fabrics.

Glycerin with alcohol

A popular option for cleaning clothes from “drawings” is with a ballpoint pen. It can also be dangerous for delicate items, but it allows you to remove ink extremely effectively and quickly.

How to apply:

  1. Mix both components in equal quantities.
  2. Treat all blue stripes, scrubbing them vigorously.

All that remains is to wash the item in the usual way. It is recommended to add conditioner to avoid the presence of unpleasant odors.

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